Branding + Website Styling


Helen came to me looking for a refresh of her WordPress blog/website. It had been going for 6 years, had won awards, but Helen felt that the design she had began with, and had served her well, was now a bit tired. Already an experienced WordPress user capable of changing themes, layouts etc. Helen was looking for a brand refresh along with advice on how to style her website.

Actually Mummy Brand Design business card
Actually Mummy Brand Design
Actually Mummy Brand Design
Actually Mummy Brand Design
Actually Mummy Brand Design

Helen’s original design featured a cartoon icon, and as it had been with her from the start in 2011 she was understandably reluctant to leave it behind.  However, many other blogs had a rather more elegant and glamorous feel and Helen felt that it was time to move on to the next stage of her professional writing career. So we discussed requirements and decided that a rebrand was in order along with some assistance styling her website and social media headers and new photography (provided by Stephanie Belton Photography).

This meant leaving the cartoon logo behind, and following some research and idea generation the new brand focus was on the vibrant colours,  some of which had featured in the original logo and also the colours that Helen had been wearing.

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